Baltimore Bike Club Mobile Schedule

Sunday, February 23, 2025

16 And Over - Sparks Nelson Mill 37 - 10:00 am - 37 mi - Greg Fromme,   443-844-7401,
START: Sparks ES -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

Teacher Bob's route from Sparks ES across Yeoho to ColdBottom. Descend Corbett from York. Up Shepperd & Troyer to HarfordCreamery, eventually stopping at Highs in Jarrettsville(23mi) via NelsonMill. Quick return Schuster Irish & Sparks Rd. A few hills and rollers on mostly low trafficked county roads.  Should be light winds & relatively mild winter temp.

Monday, February 24, 2025

All Pace Short - ASC-Catonsville-Elkridge - 10:00 am - 25 mi - Eugene Bayer,   443-850-0671,
START: Arbutus Senior Center -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 13 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Sprinkles,

Starting from the Arbutus Senior Center (855 Sulphur Spring Rd, Arbutus, MD 21227), the route goes north through Catonsville, then south through Worthington, Harwood Park, and north-east through Elkridge and St. Denis. Cue sheet and Ride-With-GPS to be added soon.

All Pace Short - Veloccino-Priceville - 1:00 pm - 17 mi - Gloria Epstein,   410 236 2129,
START: Veloccino Bike & Coffee 15007 Falls Rd Butler Md -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 11 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: None,  Rain Cancellation: Sprinkles,

Haven't been out on the road for a while? Get all your chores done in the am, then join me for this short-but challenging-route created by Nabil. The loop will take us on mostly quiet roads, some familiar, some not. Paper cue sheets will be available at the start. 

Tcx url:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

14 - 15 mph - A rose by any other name - 9:00 am - 100 mi - carl boyd,   2408142698,
START: Utica Park, Frederick,MD -- Ride Terrain: Very Hilly,      Rest Stops: Lunch,  

*Route crosses Rt 15 at grade.* This can be avoided & mileage can be reduced to 75 miles by starting (& ending) @ Thurmont Comminity Park. You would climb up 77, turn left onto Stottlemyer and meet up with me along there.

I usually take a break @ either the creamery or the monument. I usually eat lunch @ Subway in Boonesboro but another option is the Battlefield market. There's also another opportunity for a break @ the store prior to descending down into Thurmont. This route shows climbing all the way up Raven Rock but we could climb Richie rd instead.

Tcx url:

16 And Over - MWP - Lyons Wards - 35 Miles - 10:00 am - 35 mi - Steve Zeldin,   4109386887,
START: MWP - Meadowood Regional Park -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

Check Calendar/Forum for any weather related changes.

Ride to Soldiers Delight via Lyons Mill and Wards Chapel.  NOTE: We take the backdoor route to Stocksdale to the mile 19 WAWA snack stop.

We do a fast easy return from Glyndon via Padonia to Tally Ho if the wind is with us for a total of 2000 ft in 35 miles.  There may be some paper cuesheets for riders with missing or malfunctioning gps contraptions.

Global warming winter pace with moments of enthusiasm countered by regrouping.  Come Join the Fun!


Web Link:
Tcx url:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

16 And Over - Belmont Butler Belfast (Wheeler Return) - 10:00 am - 37 mi - Greg Fromme,   443-844-7401,
START: Meadowood Park -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: None,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

Nice ride on mostly familiar roads starting out on Hillside Rd.  No planned stop, but there is a restroom at Veloccino Cafe at mile 16 if needed.

Web Link:
Tcx url:

Saturday, March 01, 2025

16 And Over - TMP - Leap Day Ride - Seven Steeples , Sixes Bridges - 42 Miles - 10:00 am - 42 mi - Steve Zeldin,   4109386887,
START: TMP Taneytown Memorial Park - Playground Lot, Taneytown, MD -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

Leap Day comes on March 1st this year - well that happens three times out of four but after the calendar issues with George Washington's birthday (see last month's calendar) we take what we get!

Walt & Carol's revised ride, departing small parking lot off Playground Rd at Taneytown Memorial Park. Fast rollers to Emmitsburg . Rutters at 25 miles . Quick return.

Web Link:
Tcx url:

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

16 And Over - MWP - Meadowood Loch Raven Loop 40 - 9:30 am - 40 mi - Steve Zeldin,   4109386887,
START: MWP - Meadowood Regional Park -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

Loch Raven Reservoir Loop - Nice ride around Loch Raven Starting Seminary to Providence and coming back over Corbett to Oregon Ridge and over Jerome Jay and featuring the descent down Mays Chapel.  Break at mile 24 at Filling Station Cafe on York Rd. The usual hills and rollers for 3100 feet.  This is the 40 mile version returning Cuba to JJ to Mays Chapel.

Conversational 16&Over late Winter pace with regrouping at the usual spots.  Check Calendar/Forum for any weather related changes (e.g. snow/ice/rain).  A different ride may be offered depending on weather and whim of ride leader.

Come join the fun!


Web Link:
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Saturday, March 15, 2025

16 And Over - MWP - (r)Ides of March - 46 Miles - Cafe & Soothsayer Ride - 9:30 am - 46 mi - Steve Zeldin,   4109386887,
START: MWP - Meadowood Regional Park -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

March 15th ride where we do a nice ride to a Cafe and discuss the soothsayers forecast. (During Caesar's parade on the feast of Lupercal, a soothsayer warns Caesar to "Beware the (r)Ides of March", a warning he disregards.)

A 9:30am departure has Caesar telling Brutus that the return will be "at two". (Act 3 Scene 1 Julius Caesar by Shakespear)

Check Calendar/Forums/Other Auspacies* for any weather related changes.  Come join the fun!

The coin, known as the “Eid Mar” and valued at $4.2 million, features the face of Marcus Junius Brutus, the onetime friend and ally of Caesar who, along with other Roman senators, murdered him on the Ides of March in 44 B.C. According to historians and experts, Brutus had the coins minted in gold and silver to applaud Caesar’s downfall and to pay his soldiers during the civil war that followed the killing.

*Other Auspices may include:
 ex caelo; ex avibus; ex tripudiis; ex quadrupedibus; & ex diris  Being partial to Cathartes aurae, I will use vultures to help determine any ride schedule changes.



Tcx url:

Thursday, March 20, 2025

16 And Over - MWP - Winters End - Marriotsville Loop - 45 Miles - 9:30 am - 45 mi - Steve Zeldin,   4109386887,
START: MWP - Meadowood Regional Park -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

Vernal Equinox Ride - We now have true "Spring".  Or at least Sol, our star, is directly over the equator and casting solar brilliance equally between the tellurian hemispheres.  This ride starts about four and  a half hours post-equinox.  Astronmical Winter is now at our backs as we rush headlong to Summer!

We ride the full extent of Old Court Rd to Marriottsville and then return via Wards Chapel to Glyndon and Padonia to Thornton.  Five biggish climbs and a bunch of rolling for about 3000 ft.

We will break in Reisterstown at mile 30 WaWa .  To make sure we do all of Old Court, we start by heading east on Joppa Rd to Hunts Church which will warm us up before the Park School climb.

Riding "global warming vernal pace" with moments of enthusiasm countered by regrouping.  Come Join the Fun!

Download .zip contains pdf cuesheet and garmin course files.

The Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) on EUMETSAT's Meteosat-9 captured these four views of Earth from geosynchronous orbit. The images show how sunlight fell on the Earth on December 21, 2010 (upper left), and March 20 (upper right), June 21 (lower left), and September 20, 2011 (lower right). Each image was taken at 6:12 a.m. local time.  On March 20 and September 20, the terminator is a straight north-south line, and the Sun is said to sit directly above the equator.


Web Link:
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Tuesday, April 01, 2025

16 And Over - April F@@L's Day Ride?!?! - 50 Phullish Miles - 9:29 am - 50 mi - Steve Zeldin,   4109386887,
START: Butler Fire Station / Veloccino -- Ride Terrain: Rolling With Hills,  Ride Leader's Pace: 16 mph,  Regrouping: Some,  Rest Stops: Snack,  Rain Cancellation: Precipitation >60%,

2025 April Fool's Day Ride - About time April F00ls occurred on a Tuesday!  Ride Leader will bring a fun ride consistent with the spirit (and weather) of the day.  Please bring a calibrated cyclometer and be prepared to ride with the group.

Be very cautious if you try to load the rwgps cuesheet as I don't think we will be using it.

For added confusion read the out-of-date Guide/FAQ at

The cuesheets might be anagrammed or have disguised road names, but all road names, turns and distances are there.  All roads are well paved.  There could be U-turns or service roads.  Should be no surprise, but overall average grade will be near zero!


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