Cue Sheet Library
Under 50 Miles
Rides listed here are less than 50 miles.
Western Run to White Hall, Extra Crunchy
- Short Description:
- WRP : 44 Miles : Hilly, scenic ride featuring several big climbs including Wesley Chapel, Vernon, Upper Glencoe. Rest stop at High's in White Hall.
- Distance:
- 43.
- Start Location:
- WRP - Western Run P&R
- Terrain:
- Hilly
- Submitted On:
- 05 Jun 2016 11:06
- Downloads:
- 32
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 1.0
Whinery Tours
- Short Description:
- MLP : 45/48 Miles : Ellen's original ride is on sheet 2 and sheet 3 has a Sunday option for lunch/snack stop in Glen Rock. Cue sheet and sheet 1 offer longer routes to the Amish Markets in Shrewsbury; a slight revision of Gary Brandon's ride with new starts at Seventh District ES and optional stop in Glen Rock for Sunday rides when the markets are closed.
- Distance:
- 45
- Start Location:
- MLP - Maryland Line P&R
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 22 Apr 2017 05:04
- Downloads:
- 60
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 4/2017 Ed Cahill
White Hall Loop
- Short Description:
- ORR : 42 Miles (3500 Ft) : Loop up to White Hall with break at High's then a couple of hills for the return.
- Distance:
- 42
- Start Location:
- ORR - Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 05 Jun 2016 11:06
- Downloads:
- 48
- Rating:
Worthing Valley Horse Farm loop
- Short Description:
- Owings Mills JCC : 12 miles : Ride goes through Worthington Valley past some horse farms. One downhill at the beginning at Garrison Forest and climb up Falls Road.
- Distance:
- 12
- Start Location:
- JCC Jewish Community Center
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 05 Jun 2016 11:06
- Downloads:
- 53
- Rating:
WRP Wednesday Night Ride Reversed
- Short Description:
- WRP : 33 miles (2500 Ft) : Reverse of the Wednesday Night Ride starting from WRP with some extras.
- Distance:
- 33
- Start Location:
- WRP - Western Run P&R
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 05 Jun 2016 11:06
- Downloads:
- 111
- Rating:
Ztreams, Valleys, and Markets V3
- Short Description:
- Start: SEV/MLP; Distance: Description: Scenic rolling to hilly rides in the Glen Rock, New Freedom and Shrewsbury area. Lunch at the Amish Market i...
- Distance:
- 49
- Start Location:
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 06 Mar 2020 03:03
- Downloads:
- 32
- Rating:
- File Version:
- V3 removed 3/2020 SZ
The file upload privilege is for registered BBC members only. Registered non-members may view and download files only.
The cue sheet repository is divided into five counties and each county has a folder for rides under 50 miles and over 50+ miles (if the ride is 50 miles exactly put it in over 50 miles - someone always gets lost). When uploading cue sheets please be sure you select the correct ride start county and ride length folder.
File Upload Instructions:
- Select "Submit" above.
- For "New File" select "Browse" to navigate to the file you wish to upload from your computer.
- Select the correct county and distance from the "Start County & Distance" drop down menu.
- Fill in a simple title for your ride.
- Fill in the ride start location using the BBC abbreviation and/or specific start location.
- Your user name or real name for author.
- Ride distance.
- Provide a brief description of the ride in the "Description" text pane. Please mention the most important highlights first (lunch, terrain, etc.) so when people search rides they can see that information since the first 150 characters will only be visible when browsing files.
- Click on "Submit File" at the bottom. You will then receive a confirmation you are done.