Cue Sheet Library
Under 50 Miles
Rides listed here are less than 50 miles.
- Short Description:
- HHE : 25 Miles : From Harford Hills Elementary School Parkville Md.To Royal Farms at intersection of Red Lion Road and Ebenezer.About 25 miles round trip. First half down hill last half up.
- Distance:
- 25
- Start Location:
- HHE - Harford Hills E.S.
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 21 Mar 2016 05:03
- Downloads:
- 65
- Rating:
- Short Description:
- LOC : 37 Miles (2200 ft) : Falston Loop. Ride starts at Loch Raven High Scool. Typical Baltimore County ride. Moderately hilly (2200ft or 59ft/mile). Food and bathroom stop at a Royal Farm on Hess road.
- Distance:
- 37
- Start Location:
- LOC - Loch Raven H.S.
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 13 Mar 2016 03:03
- Downloads:
- 51
- Rating:
Georges Creek Loop
- Short Description:
- ORR : 33 Miles : Wander via Butler and Dover up to Gunpowder - Georges Creek - Traceys Store and then returning Yeoho - Duncan - Cuba. No store stop on this ride so bring a snack.
- Distance:
- 33
- Start Location:
- ORR - Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 08 Jan 2017 07:01
- Downloads:
- 17
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 1/2017
Giro d'Italia
- Short Description:
- ORR : 49 miles (4100 Ft) : The route traces the outline of the Italian Peninsula on the roads of Baltimore County. We start from Brindisi riding up the Adriatic to Veneto, cross the top of Lombardia and then head south to Calabria. Two snack stops. Download includes both directions.
- Distance:
- 49
- Start Location:
- ORR - Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 13 Apr 2019 06:04
- Downloads:
- 203
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 4/2019 SZ
Giro d'Italia AntiCyclonic
- Short Description:
- ORR : 49 miles (4100 Ft) : The route traces the outline of the Italian Peninsula on the roads of Baltimore County. Two snack stops. This is the Clockwise / AntiCyclonic version only.
- Distance:
- 49
- Start Location:
- ORR - Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 25 Mar 2023 10:03
- Downloads:
- 20
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 3/2023 sz
Glyndon Figure-8
- Short Description:
- MWP : 33 miles (2100 Ft) : Fun figure-8 loop crossing two ways through Park Heights and Caves Rd. Ride goes up to Glyndon, starting Tally Ho and returning on Hillside.
- Distance:
- 33
- Start Location:
- MWP - Meadowood Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 20 Dec 2024 07:12
- Downloads:
- 182
- Rating:
- Short Description:
- The ride includes a snack at Snickerdoodles Bakery in Hampstead. Also, to allow everyone to complete the ride at the same time (2:30 pm), fas...
- Distance:
- 30
- Start Location:
- Santoni's Market in Glyndon
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 09 Sep 2021 05:09
- Downloads:
- 5
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 9/2021
Grave Run to Gunpowder
- Short Description:
- BFS/VBC : 38 Miles 3600 Ft : Roll north from Butler onto Grave Run into PA, with a mile 20 snack stop at Rutters on Steltz Rd before returning to MD on Gunpowder to Yeoho. A few hills this route
- Distance:
- 38
- Start Location:
- VBC - Veloccino Bike & Coffee / BFS
- Terrain:
- Hilly
- Submitted On:
- 16 Jul 2024 11:07
- Downloads:
- 3
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 7/2024 sz
Green at the Gunpowder
- Short Description:
- PRP : 33 Miles 2600 Ft : A classic BBC ride. Rest/snack stop moved to Hydes Road Park at mile 22.4 since Palmisano's (mile 22) has restricted bicyclists. Ride continues up Hydes Rd after rest.
- Distance:
- 33
- Start Location:
- PRP - Providence Road P&R
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 23 Oct 2024 11:10
- Downloads:
- 238
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 10/2020 SZ
Green on the Gunpowder short
- Short Description:
- Ride through Loch Raven to Hydes and back. 3 decent climbs. Optional rest stop at Hydes Park
- Distance:
- 23
- Start Location:
- PRP - Providence Park n Ride
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 26 Mar 2021 08:03
- Downloads:
- 16
- Rating:
The file upload privilege is for registered BBC members only. Registered non-members may view and download files only.
The cue sheet repository is divided into five counties and each county has a folder for rides under 50 miles and over 50+ miles (if the ride is 50 miles exactly put it in over 50 miles - someone always gets lost). When uploading cue sheets please be sure you select the correct ride start county and ride length folder.
File Upload Instructions:
- Select "Submit" above.
- For "New File" select "Browse" to navigate to the file you wish to upload from your computer.
- Select the correct county and distance from the "Start County & Distance" drop down menu.
- Fill in a simple title for your ride.
- Fill in the ride start location using the BBC abbreviation and/or specific start location.
- Your user name or real name for author.
- Ride distance.
- Provide a brief description of the ride in the "Description" text pane. Please mention the most important highlights first (lunch, terrain, etc.) so when people search rides they can see that information since the first 150 characters will only be visible when browsing files.
- Click on "Submit File" at the bottom. You will then receive a confirmation you are done.