Cue Sheet Library
Under 50 Miles
Rides listed here are less than 50 miles.
Jefferson the easy way
- Short Description:
- MLP : 40 miles : Another Md. Line to Jefferson ride without as much climbing. YES, there are hills.
- Distance:
- 40
- Start Location:
- MLP - Maryland Line P&R
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 13 Mar 2016 07:03
- Downloads:
- 101
- Rating:
Jericho Covered Bridge from PRP
- Short Description:
- PRP : 38 Miles (2500 Ft) : Mostly shady quiet roads on first half. Some good ascents and descents at the end.
- Distance:
- 38
- Start Location:
- PRP - Providence Road P&R
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 13 Mar 2016 07:03
- Downloads:
- 142
- Rating:
Jon’s Kings Reversed
- Short Description:
- ORR : 47 Miles (4000 ft) : Jon King's variant of Josh's King's Reversed slightly shorter and maybe less hilly. Buy drink at Wally's for rest stop at mile 26 along NCR trail with porta potty available. Passes Big Truck Farms Brewery at mile 18.6
- Distance:
- 47
- Start Location:
- ORR Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Hilly
- Submitted On:
- 04 Aug 2020 02:08
- Downloads:
- 56
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 6/2020 sz
Katie's Ride
- Short Description:
- PRP : 28 miles (2400 Ft) : Katie Traill's ride from PRP. Rolling with Hills
- Distance:
- 28
- Start Location:
- PRP - Providence Road P&R
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 30 Aug 2024 06:08
- Downloads:
- 294
- Rating:
- File Version:
- Rev 3/2017
Kings Loop
- Short Description:
- ORR : 48 Miles (4100 Ft) : Loop starting eastward via Sparks and Hutchins Mill before looping west via Greystone to Stablersville and Walker. Pack a snack for a roadside break at mile 24 before the Greystone climb. Store break snack at Wally's Rayville Store at mile 33. Then a usual return down Yeoho to Cuba for 48 miles and 4100 Ft. This fine ride was adapted by Steve from a ride by Rick Norton. Zip download has both pdf and garmin course files.
- Distance:
- 48
- Start Location:
- ORR - Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Hilly
- Submitted On:
- 04 Sep 2023 07:09
- Downloads:
- 33
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 8/2018 S.Zeldin
Kings Reversed
- Short Description:
- VBC : 47 Miles (4000 Ft) : Reverse of the Kings Loop starting from Veloccino's rolling up Stringtown and Yeoho to Rayville. Route does the long descent of Walker and then climbs to Five Corners before doing the fine descent of Downes. From a ride by Josh Logan so it goes through Phoenix towards the end with the flying descent of York Rd to Hunt Valley and meandering back on Thornton Mill. Early snack at Wally's Rayville Store at mile 11. Pack a snack for a roadside break at mile 29 on Troyer at Shepperd. Late final snack at Dunkin Donuts at mile 40.
- Distance:
- 47
- Start Location:
- VBC - Veloccino Bike&Coffee, Butler
- Terrain:
- Hilly
- Submitted On:
- 17 Sep 2018 08:09
- Downloads:
- 30
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 9/2018 S.Zeldin
Larry Bensky Memorial Ride to Annapolis
- Short Description:
- 6378 York Rd : 36 miles : Larry Bensky Memorial ride on Annapolis
- Distance:
- 36
- Start Location:
- 6378 York Rd
- Terrain:
- Rolling
- Submitted On:
- 13 Mar 2016 07:03
- Downloads:
- 65
- Rating:
Liberty Dam Overlook
- Short Description:
- MWP : 45 Miles (2800 FT) : We ride to Liberty Dam, taking the Dam access road down, up, and down to the Dam overlook at mile 24. Bring a snack to enjoy as we appreciate the 84 billion gallons of water being held back by the Dam. We then ride up, down, and up the access road before doing a fine descent on Wards Chapel. Our return takes us over the seldom ridden, and very pretty Granite and Offutt Rds to a snack stop at Royal Farms at mile 35.
- Distance:
- 45
- Start Location:
- MWP - Meadowood Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 03 May 2024 05:05
- Downloads:
- 28
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 9/2017 SZeldin
Liberty Reservoir Loop
- Short Description:
- ORR : 49 miles (3400 Ft) : Ride from Oregon Ridge Park through Glyndon and across Liberty Reservoir on Deer Park Rd. Snack at mile 27 at 7-11 on Rt 140. Featuring a new & improved & revised return. Mostly rolling with several big climbs for 3400 ft.
- Distance:
- 49
- Start Location:
- ORR - Oregon Ridge Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 13 Mar 2016 07:03
- Downloads:
- 103
- Rating:
Loch Raven 48 AntiCyclonic
- Short Description:
- MWP : 48 Miles (3800 ft) : We head north then east looping around Loch Raven. Starting TallyHo to Thornton to Cuba. Break in Baldwin at mile 32 - Palmisano's. Then returning Loch Raven, Providence to Seminary. Download zip contains pdf cuesheet and garmin course files.
- Distance:
- 48
- Start Location:
- MWP - Meadowood Park
- Terrain:
- Rolling With Hills
- Submitted On:
- 09 Oct 2018 01:10
- Downloads:
- 19
- Rating:
- File Version:
- 12/2014
The file upload privilege is for registered BBC members only. Registered non-members may view and download files only.
The cue sheet repository is divided into five counties and each county has a folder for rides under 50 miles and over 50+ miles (if the ride is 50 miles exactly put it in over 50 miles - someone always gets lost). When uploading cue sheets please be sure you select the correct ride start county and ride length folder.
File Upload Instructions:
- Select "Submit" above.
- For "New File" select "Browse" to navigate to the file you wish to upload from your computer.
- Select the correct county and distance from the "Start County & Distance" drop down menu.
- Fill in a simple title for your ride.
- Fill in the ride start location using the BBC abbreviation and/or specific start location.
- Your user name or real name for author.
- Ride distance.
- Provide a brief description of the ride in the "Description" text pane. Please mention the most important highlights first (lunch, terrain, etc.) so when people search rides they can see that information since the first 150 characters will only be visible when browsing files.
- Click on "Submit File" at the bottom. You will then receive a confirmation you are done.