Revised by Steve Zeldin 08/25/2023

Click on Start Location Links for Map and Directions.

CODE Start Location City County State
AAP Avalon Area Shelter 105, Patapsco State Park Elkridge Howard MD
ABP Aberdeen Park & Ride Aberdeen Harford MD
ACB Adams County National Bank Gettysburg Adams PA
AHS Atholton High School Columbia Howard MD
ANB Antietam National Battlefield Visitor Center Sharpsburg Washington MD
ANP Atholton Neighborhood Park Columbia Howard MD
APP Allen Pond Park/Bowie Arena Bowie Prince Georges MD
ARP Alpha Ridge Park Marriottsville Howard MD
ATP Antrim Township Community Park Greencastle Franklin PA
BBE Bollman Bridge Elem. School Savage Howard MD
BBN Bear Branch Nature Center Westminster Carroll MD
BBW Baltimore Bike Works Baltimore   MD
BCP Beaver Creek Park & Ride Hagerstown Washington MD
BFS Butler Fire Station (See VBC=Veloccino) Butler Baltimore MD
BHS Beards Hill Shop. Center Aberdeen Harford MD
BOH Bohemia Manor High School Chesapeake City Cecil MD
BPL Bel Air Plaza Bel Air Harford MD
BSH Bushy Park Elem. School Glenwood Howard MD
BSO Billingslea Office Building Westminster Carroll MD
BUL Bullock's Restaurant Westminster Carroll MD
BVY Boordy Vineyards Glen Arm Baltimore MD
CAT Catoctin High School Thurmont Frederick MD
CCA Carroll County Agricultural Center Westminster Carroll MD
CCC Chesapeake Community College      
CEN Centennial High School Ellicott City Howard MD
CFP Cunningham Falls State Park Thurmont Frederick MD
CGS Cowans Gap State Park Fort Loudon Franklin PA


Churchville Elementary School Churchville Harford MD
CHH Chesapeake High School Middle River Baltimore MD
CHS Chesapeake High School Pasadena Anne Arundel MD
CHT Chatsworth Elem. School Reisterstown Baltimore MD
CIG Comfort Inn - Greencastle Greencastle Franklin PA
CLC Clynmalira Church Sparks Baltimore MD
CLP Clarksville Park & Ride Clarksville Howard MD
CLS Cloverly Safeway Silver Spring Montgomery MD
CMP Carroll Manor Park Baldwin Baltimore MD
CMS Crofton Middle School Crofton Anne Arundel MD
CON Conowingo Elementary School Conowingo Cecil MD
CRN Cranberry Square Shop. Center Westminster Carroll MD
CRO Crofton Center Shop. Center Crofton Anne Arundel MD
CRP Chestnut Ridge Park Owings Mills Baltimore MD
CTM Catonsville Middle School Catonsville Baltimore MD
CTP Catonsville Park & Ride Catonsville Baltimore MD
CTS Carrolltowne Shop. Center Eldersburg Carroll MD
CVP Cooksville Park & Ride Cooksville Howard MD
DCP Dorsey Crossroads Park & Ride Sykesville Carroll MD
DCS Dobbin Center Starbucks Columbia Howard MD
DES Davidsonville Elem. School Davidsonville Anne Arundel MD
DGM Dorsey Grove Middle School     MD
DMT Dorsey MARC Train Station Dorsey Howard MD
DOA Dixon Observation Area (BWI) Glen Burnie Anne Arundel MD
DSP Dulaney Springs Park Timonium Baltimore MD
DUL Dulaney High School Timonium Baltimore MD
DVP Davidsonville Park & Ride Davidsonville Anne Arundel MD
DWS Dogwood Station Shop. Center Woodlawn Baltimore MD
EAL Eastport-Annapolis Neck Library Annapolis Anne Arundel MD
ECP Emmitsburg Community Park Emmitsburg Frederick MD
EFP East Frederick Park & Ride Frederick Frederick MD
EFS Enchanted Forest Shop. Center Ellicott City Howard MD
EGS East Gate Shop. Center Greenbelt Prince Georges MD
EHP Earleigh Heights Fire House (Get Permission) Severna Park Anne Arundel MD
EHR Earleigh Heights Ranger Station Severna Park Anne Arundel MD
EIN Einstein Bagels (Closed)
Timonium Baltimore MD
ELK Elkridge Railroad Ave. parking lot Elkridge Howard MD
EMP Eden Mill Park Pylesville Harford MD
ERP Eastern Regional Park Middle River
Baltimore MD
EWP Edgewood Park & Ride Edgewood Harford MD
FGE Fountain Green Elem. School Bel Air Harford MD
FIF 5th District Elem. School Upperco Baltimore MD
FLN Food Lion - New Market New Market Frederick MD
FMS Franklin Middle School Reisterstown Baltimore MD
FPB Fells Point - South Broadway Baltimore Baltimore City MD
FPI Four Points Inn Hagerstown Washington MD
FPL Finksburg Plaza Finksville Carroll MD
FPR Fulton Park & Ride Fulton Howard MD
FSK Francis Scott Key High School Uniontown Carroll MD
FVE Friendship Valley Elem. School Westminster Carroll MD
GBM Greenbelt Metro Station Greenbelt Prince Georges MD
GEC Grace Episcopal Church Elkridge Howard MD
GES Glyndon Elem. School Glyndon Baltimore MD
GFS Garrison Forrest Shop. Center Owings Mills Baltimore MD
GGE Greencastle Great Escape Greencastle Franklin PA
GLN Glenelg High School Glenelg Howard MD
GRF Gresham Farm (Get Permission) Edgewater Anne Arundel MD
GRM Graul's Market Hereford Baltimore MD
GRP Gettysburg Rec. Park Gettysburg Adams PA
GRR Glen Rock Rail Trail Glen Rock York PA
GSS Greenspring Station Lutherville Baltimore MD
GVC Gettysburg Visitor's Center Gettysburg Adams PA
GWM Glenwood Middle School Glenwood Howard MD
GWP Glenwood Park Glenwood Howard MD
HCC Harford Community College Bel Air Harford MD
HCE Howard County Dept. of Education Columbia Howard MD
HCF Howard County Fairgrounds West Friendship Howard MD
HCL Howard County Public Library Glenwood Howard MD
HCO Howard County Office Complex Ellicott City Howard MD
HCV Harpers Choice Village Shopping Center Columbia Howard MD
HEC Hashawha Environmental Center Westminster Carroll MD
HES Hernwood Elem. School Randallstown Baltimore MD
HFP Hammonds Ferry Park & Ride Linthicum Anne Arundel MD
HHE Harford Hills Elem. School Parkville Baltimore MD
HHS Hereford High School Hereford Baltimore MD
HMS Hereford Middle School Hereford Baltimore MD
HPS Hopkins Place Shop. Center Crofton Anne Arundel MD
HRV Hickory Ridge Village Center Columbia Howard MD
HVE Hunt Valley Executive Plaza II Hunt Valley Baltimore MD
HYS Hyde Park Station Essex Baltimore MD
JCC Jewish Community Center Owings Mills Baltimore MD
JES Jarrettsville Elementary School Jarrettsville Harford MD
JRC Jarrettsville Recreation Complex Jarrettsville Harford MD
KES Kingsville Elem. School Kingsville Baltimore MD
KNP Kent Narrows Park & Ride Grasonville Queen Anne MD
LAC Lackey High School Indian Head Charles MD
LBP Landon C. Burn Park Westminster Carroll MD
LIB Liberty High School Eldersburg Carroll MD
LIN Lindale Middle School Linthicum Anne Arundel MD
LKE Lake Elkhorn Columbia Howard MD
LLF Larriland Farms Woodbine Howard MD
LMS Leonardtown Middle School Leonardtown St. Mary's MD
LOC Loch Raven High School Towson Baltimore MD
LPR Lisbon Park & Ride Woodbine Howard MD
LSC Londontown Square Shopping Center Eldersburg Carroll MD
LWC Linganore Wine Cellars Woodville Frederick MD
LWP Lake Waterford Park Pasadena Anne Arundel MD
MAB Mt Airy Bicycles Mt. Airy Carroll MD
MAE Mt. Airy Elem. School Mt. Airy Carroll MD
MAM Mt. Airy Middle School Mt. Airy Carroll MD
MAN Manchester Elem. School Manchester Carroll MD
MAP Mt. Airy Park & Ride Mt. Airy Carroll MD
MAS Mt. Airy Shop. Center Mt. Airy Carroll MD
MCP Mt. Carmel Road Park & Ride Hereford Baltimore MD
MDE Middletown Elementary School Middletown Frederick MD
MEG Megan's Bakery (Closed)
Mt. Airy Howard MD
MES Monocacy Elem. School Frederick Frederick MD
MHP Manchester Park & Ride Manchester Carroll MD
MLP Maryland Line Park & Ride Parkton Baltimore MD
MMR MARC Train Station Middle River Baltimore MD
MMS Monocacy Middle School Frederick Frederick MD
MRP Middletown Road Park & Ride Parkton Baltimore MD
MSC Manor Shop. Center Jacksonville Baltimore MD
MSE Main Street Exchange Building Westminster Carroll MD
MSM Marley Station Mall Glen Burnie Anne Arundel MD
MSP Matapeake State Park Stevensville Queen Anne MD
MTP Mountain Road Park & Ride Fallston Harford MD
MTV Mount View Middle School Marriottsville Howard MD
MVE Millersville Elementary School Millersville Anne Arundel MD
MVP Myersville Park & Ride Myersville Frederick MD
MWP Meadowood Regional Park Lutherville Baltimore MD
MYT My "T" Fine Sno Ball Stand   Baltimore MD
NCF NCRR Trail - Freeland Freeland Baltimore MD
NCH NCRR Trail - Hanover Junction Seven Valleys York PA
NCK NCRR Trail - Parkton Parkton Baltimore MD
NCM NCRR Trail - Monkton Station Monkton Baltimore MD
NCP NCRR Trail - Paper Mill Cockeysville Baltimore MD
NCS NCRR Trail - Sparks Station Sparks Baltimore MD
NCW NCCR Trail - Whitehall White Hall Baltimore MD
NEP North East Community Park North East Cecil MD
NFR New Freedom Rail Trail New Freedom York PA
NHM North Harford Middle School Bel Air Harford MD
NMS Northwest Middle School Taneytown Carroll MD
NOC North Carroll High School Hampstead Carroll MD
NPO Newcomb Post Office Newcomb Talbot MD
NSC Normandy Shopping Center Ellicott City Howard MD
NTH New Town High School Owings Mills Baltimore MD
NWM New Market Elem. School New Market Frederick MD
NWT New Town Village Center Owings Mills Baltimore MD
NWW New Windsor Middle School New Windsor Carroll MD
OBV Owens Brown Village Center Columbia Howard MD
OEL Oella Ave. Parking Lot Ellicott City Howard MD
OHP Old Hanover Park Pavillion (superannuated)
OMR Olney Manor Recreation Center Olney Montgomery MD
ORR Oregon Ridge Park Cockeysville Baltimore MD
PGM Pine Grove Middle School Pine Grove Baltimore MD
PHE Perry Hall Elem. School Perry Hall Baltimore MD
PHH Perry Hall High School Perry Hall Baltimore MD
PHM Perry Hall Middle School Perry Hall Baltimore MD
PKM Parkville Middle School Parkville Baltimore MD
PMS Paper Mill Shop. Center Jacksonville Baltimore MD
POO Poolesville High School Poolesville Montgomery MD
POR Point of Rocks Train Station Point Of Rocks Frederick MD
PRP Providence Road Park & Ride Towson Baltimore MD
PVP Perryville Park & Ride Perryville Cecil MD
PZC Pizza Hut, Cockeysville Cockeysville Baltimore MD
PZM Pizza Hut, Mt. Airy Mt. Airy Carroll MD
RCH Robertson's Crab House Newberg Charles MD
RPR Rolling Road Park & Ride Catonsville Baltimore MD
RRP Rock Run Park   Montgomery MD
RST Rising Sun Town Centre Rising Sun Cecil MD
RTR Radio Tower Road (Brooks Robinson Drive) Pikesville Baltimore MD
RUN Runnymede Elementary School Westminster Carroll MD
RVC Riverside Café Ellicott City Howard MD
RVH River Hill Village Shop. Center Clarksville Howard MD
RVS Riverside Shopping Center Havre de Grace Harford MD
SBC Sam's Bagels Catonsville Baltimore MD
SBP Security Blvd. & Rt. 70 Park & Ride Woodlawn Baltimore MD
SBW Sam's Bagels (Closed)
Westminster Carroll MD
SDY Sandymount Park Finksburg Carroll MD
SEV 7th District Elementary School Parkton Baltimore MD
SHS Southern High School Harwood Anne Arundel MD
SJC St. John's Church Western Run
Reisterstown Baltimore MD
SOC South Carroll High School Eldersburg Carroll MD
SPH Sparrows Point High School Sparrows Point Baltimore MD
SPK Sparks Elementary School Sparks Baltimore MD
SPP Severna Park Park & Ride Severna Park Anne Arundel MD
SRH South River High School Edgewater Anne Arundel MD
SRP RT 32 & RT 97 Park & Ride Westminster Carroll MD
SSP Smallwood State Park Marbury Charles MD
SYP RT 26 & RT 97 Park & Ride Sykesville Carroll MD
TAS Tred Avon Shop. Center Easton Talbot MD
TCP Thurmont Community Park Thurmont Frederick MD
TES Taneytown Elem. School Taneytown Carroll MD
TGM Tollgate Mall Bel Air Harford MD
TMP Taneytown Memorial Park Taneytown Carroll MD
TOP Ten Oaks Plaza Glenelg Howard MD
TRE Triadelphia Ridge Elem. School Ellicott City Howard MD
TUN Towson University Towson Baltimore MD
TWA Twin Arch Shop. Center Mt. Airy Carroll MD
UMB U of M Baltimore County Catonsville Baltimore MD
UMH Union Mills Homestead Union Mills Carroll MD
VBC Veloccino Bike & Coffee Butler Baltimore MD
VES Village of Elkton Shop. Center Elkton Cecil MD
VMP Veirs Mill Park Recreation Center   Montgomery MD
WAV Waverly Elem. School Frederick Frederick MD
WBS Whiskey Bottom Shopping Center  Laurel Howard MD
WCR Washington County Regional Park  Hagerstown Washington MD
WES Westminster Elementary School Westminster Carroll MD
WHC Washington College Chestertown Kent MD
WMA Wal-Mart, Aberdeen Aberdeen Harford MD
WME Wal-Mart, Elkton Elkton Cecil MD
WMP White Marsh Park & Ride White Marsh Baltimore MD
WMS West Middle School Westminister Carroll MD
WPO White Hall Post Office White Hall Baltimore MD
WPT Worton Park Worton Kent MD
WRP Western Run Park & Ride Cockeysville Baltimore MD
WSC Woodholme Shop. Center Pikesville Baltimore MD